Sharp Consulting Group

Video Production

See what awaits you

camera, film, video

The Sky's The Limit

What can video Production do for you ?

SCG knows this and produces a variety of video options depending on our clients’ needs. Whether you are just joining the video marketing revolution or you’re a veteran of the video marketing wars, SCG is here to help! At SCG, no matter what type of video we create for you, customer testimonials, tutorial videos, demonstration videos, interviews, etc., creating a professional video with high production value is only the beginning.

Rise to the top

Increase Sales

More video content is uploaded in 30 days than the major US television networks have produced in the last 30 years? 87% of online marketers use video content!

count on us

The ROI Experts

Businesses that use video grow revenue 49% faster than those not using video. 51% of marketing professionals worldwide name video as the content with the best ROI.

try, try again

Best Practices

The coveted Millennial audience (ages 25-34) watches the most online videos and men spend approximately 40% more time watching videos than women! Viewers retain 95% of a message presented via video compared to only 10% of a written message. And keep your eye on the Plurals, who are rapidly becoming a desired demographic!

Do You Want To Boost Your Business?

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Social Media

SCG helps build and manage social media campaigns that meet your customers where they are, on their terms, and gets them to be an active part of your community.

Video Production

SCG produces a variety of video options depending on our clients’ needs. Whether you are just joining the video marketing revolution or you’re a veteran of the video marketing wars, SCG is here to help!


Search Engine Optimization is the core of what we do at SCG, and despite what some marketers might claim, is still the nucleus of any effective digital marketing campaign.

Web Design​

For your brand to really thrive online, your website needs to be smart, flexible, and future-proof. SCG designs and builds beautiful websites that will achieve your goals today while setting you up for long-term success.


Bring Your Business to the Customer. Every second, there are over 40,000 Google searches. How many of those searches are for products and services like yours?


Sharp Consulting Group creates and manages programmatic and data-driven campaigns to help you reach the right customers, tell the right story, and get the right results!